Ansible role that installs Zeek (formerly Bro) and configures it to run as a non-root user
If you would like to automate geo location database updates see ansible-geolite-maxmind-agent-install repo
Zeek Version
zeek_ver: zeek-4.0.4
- Use the name of the zeek package minus the file extention
repo_branch: release/4.0
- Use this variable to grab the correct branch from zeek GitHub Repository
Digest Salt
- digest_salt: custom string
Enable json output set to yes to write logs as json instead of TSV
- enable_json: no
zkg packages to install
- bzar
- ja3
- hassh
Zeek Directories
- logdir: /zeeklogdir
- spooldir: /zeekspooldir
- zeekdir: /opt/zeek
Log Retention
- LogExpireInterval: 14
- StatsLogExpireInterval: 30
- CrashExpireInterval: 30
Zeek Ports allowed on host base firewall ufw
- port: ssh
- port: 47760
proto: tcp
- port: 47761
proto: tcp
- port: 47762
proto: tcp
- port: 47763
proto: tcp
- port: 47764
proto: tcp
- port: 47765
proto: tcp
Proxy Variables by setting use_proxy to yes all connections to the internet will use proxy
- use_proxy: no
- proxy_ip: x.x.x.x
- proxy_port: 3128
Node.cfg configuration node.cfg is built using a jinja2 for loop. This allows you to add as many nodes as needed in the format below to create the node configuration.
- node_configuration:
- name: zeek-manager
type: manager
host: localhost
- name: zeek-proxy
type: proxy
host: localhost
- name: zeek-logger
type: logger
host: localhost
- worker_node_configuration:
- name: zeek-worker-1
pfring_interface: enp1s0f0
worker_threads: 3
host: localhost
- name: zeek-worker-2
pfring_interface: enp1s0f0
worker_threads: 3
host: localhost