Running the backend Ensure Docker is installed, (Run docker -v) then run docker compose up.

The API should be exposed at localhost:8080

User Auth

User Schema

type User struct {
   ID       primitive.ObjectID `json:"_id,omitempty" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
   Email    string             `json:"Email,omitempty" bson:"Email,omitempty"`
   Name     string             `json:"Name,omitempty" bson:"Name,omitempty"`
   Type     string             `json:"Type,omitempty" bson:"Type,omitempty"`
   Password []byte             `json:"Password,omitempty" bson:"Password,omitempty"`

POST this to localhost:8080/register


POST this to localhost:8080/login


Data Processing

POST this to localhost:8080/calc

    "Step": "1",
    "Product": "Wine", 
    "Amount": "50", 
    "At": "25832", 
    "To": "38736"

POST this to localhost:8080/evaluate

    "Farm": "33175", 
    "Process": "25832", 
    "Retail": "38736", 
    "Product": "Wine", 
    "Amount": "100"