
Python interface for talking to the github API

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

What's on Github?

This is a library that implements github's API in python.

Supported APIs

All API access begins with the creation of a GitHub object. For the sake of brevity, this document assumes you've created an object called gh as a github endpoint:

gh = github.GitHub()

Some operations require (or are enhanced by) authentication. These are noted within the documentation and will use an object called agh created the following way:

agh = github.GitHub('myusername', 'mytoken')

You can find your token from your account page.


The user API is available via gh.users.


This is a simple user search call. All properties returned by the API will be available as properties.

Example displaying search results using the name and fullname properties:

for u in gh.users.search(myquery):
    print("User:  %s (%s)" % (u.name, u.fullname))


Get details about an individual user.

username = 'dustin'
print "%s's web site:  %s" % (username, gh.users.show(username).blog)

Note that this API returns more information if you're authenticated and ask for yourself:

print("My disk usage: %d" % agh.users.show(me).disk_usage)


List your ssh keys:

print "Names of my keys:"
for k in list(agh.users.keys()):


The repository API is available via gh.repos.

Repository List for a User

List the repositories owned by a user. If you are authenticated this user, private repositories will also be returned.

print "My repo names:"
for r in gh.repos.forUser(me):

Branches Within a Repo

List the branches within a repo:

print("memcached branches:")
for branchname, branchhash in gh.repos.branches('dustin', 'memcached'):

Search for a Repository

for r in gh.repos.search('memcached'):
    print("%s's %s" % (r.username, r.name))

Show a Repository

Retrieve an individual repository.

print(gh.repos.show('dustin', 'py-github').homepage)

Watch a Repository

Begin watching a repository.

gh.repos.watch('dustin', 'memcached')

Unwatch a Repository

Stop watching a repository.

gh.repos.unwatch('dustin', 'memcached')

Get a Repository's Network

Retrieve the network for a repository.

for r in gh.repos.network('dustin', 'memcached'):
    print("%s's %s" % (r.owner, r.name))

Adjust a Repository's Visibility

You can adjust repository visibility for your own repositories only (therefore the username is omitted).

To set a repository public:


To set a repository private:

agh.repos.setVisible('repo-name', False)

Create a New Repository

The most simple invocation (create a public repository with no description or URL) would look like this:


You can pass many flags in to set up the repository, however. Consider this case where a private repository is created.

agh.repos.create('testrepo', description='My test repo',
                 homepage='http://www.spy.net/', public=0)

Deleting a Repository

You may delete repositories attached to your account only.


Forking a Repository

agh.repos.fork('dustin', 'memcached')

Adding a Collaborator

agh.repos.addCollaborator('memcached', 'trondn')

Removing a Collaborator

agh.repos.removeCollaborator('memcached', 'trondn')

Listing Deploy Keys


Add a Deploy Key

keyContents = open(os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub")).read()
agh.repos.addDeployKey('myrepo', 'Key Name', keyContents)

Remove a Deploy Key

agh.repos.removeDeployKey('myrepo', 8582)


The commit API is available via gh.commits.

Get the Commits from a Branch

Master is assumed:

for c in gh.commits.forBranch('dustin', 'py-github'):
    print("%s %s" % (c.id[:7], c.message[:60].split("\n")[0]))

Otherwise, you can specify a branch name:

for c in gh.commits.forBranch('dustin', 'py-github', 'v2'):
    print("%s %s" % (c.id[:7], c.message[:60].split("\n")[0]))

Get the Commits Affecting a File

Retrieve all of the commits for the specified file. Again, master is assumed):

for c in gh.commits.forFile('dustin', 'py-github', 'README.markdown'):
    print("%s %s" % (c.id[:7], c.message[:60].split("\n")[0]))

...but you can also specify a branch name:

for c in gh.commits.forFile('dustin', 'py-github', 'README.markdown', 'v2'):
    print("%s %s" % (c.id[:7], c.message[:60].split("\n")[0]))

Show a Specific Commit

print gh.commits.show('dustin', 'memcached',


The issues api is available via gh.issues.

List Repository Issues

for i in gh.issues.list('dustin', 'py-github'):
    print("issue #%s:  %s" % (i.number, i.title))

Show a Particular Issue

i = gh.issues.show('dustin', 'py-github', 1)
print("%s:  %s" % (i.state, i.title))

Add a Label to an Issue

agh.issues.add_label('dustin', 'py-github', 38, 'awesome')

Remove a Label from an Issue

agh.issues.remove_label('dustin', 'py-github', 38, 'fun')

Close an Issue

agh.issues.close('dustin', 'py-github', 38)

Reopen a Closed Issue

agh.issues.reopen('dustin', 'py-github', 38)

Create a New Issue

agh.issues.new('dustin', 'py-github', 'more code', 'Write more code.')

The body parameter (last) is optional.

Edit an Existing Issue

agh.issues.edit('dustin', 'py-github', 8284, 'New Title', 'New Body')


The objects API is available via gh.objects.

Get a Tree

Retreive the tree object with the given hash:

t = gh.objects.tree('dustin', 'py-github',
for k,v in list(t.items()):
    print "%s\t%s\t%s" % (v.sha, v.type, k)

Retrieve a Blob (with info)

b = gh.objects.blob('dustin', 'py-github',
    'b34f658fd7be0d3e00cc961b75da10ca0d44d050', 'README.markdown')
print b.data

Retrieve a Raw Blob

print b.raw_blob('dustin', 'py-github',


The organizations API is available via gh.organizations.

Getting Organization Information

Get the full information on organizations by the screen name.

org = 'ff0000'
print "%s's location:  %s" % (org, gh.organizations.show(org).location)

Updating fields

Owners can update the organization with these fields:

  • name

  • email

  • blog

  • company

  • location

  • billing_email

    org = 'ff0000' print "%s's old location: %s" % (org, gh.organizations.show(org).location) agh.organizations.set('ff0000', location='Los Angeles, CA')

Checking Organization Membership

Get all the public organizations that a user is part of. If you are authenticated, concealed memberships will also be returned.

print "My organizations:"
for org in gh.organizations.forUser(me):
    print org

Listing Organization Memberships

List all repositories across all the organizations that you can access.

print "Repositories of my organizations:"
for repo in agh.organizations.repositories():
    print repo.name

List all members of the organization's Owners team:

print "Owner of my organization:"
for owner in agh.organizations.owners('ff0000'):
    print owner.name

List all public repositories of any other organization:

print "Public repositories of the github organization:"
for repo in gh.organizations.publicRepositories('github'):
    print repo.name

List all public members of any organization:

print "Public members of the github organization:"
for member in gh.organizations.publicMembers('github'):
    print member.name