
The apostrophe-cli is a crossplatform starting point for creating and configuring Apostrophe 2 projects, providing a simple boilerplate generator and wrapping other useful functions into an easy to use commandline tool.

First, install it as a global module:

npm install -g apostrophe-cli

To view the available commands in a given context, execute the newly-installed command with no arguments:


Create a project

To create a new project with the tool:

apostrophe create <project name>

If you run the create command with the --install flag, the command will also npm install the dependencies of the project and apostrophe:reset the database, resulting in a fully bootstrapped project.

Run command-line tasks

To run an Apostrophe command-line task with the apostrophe-cli, which are conventionally run node app.js <namespace>:<task name>, execute the following from any location within a project's directory:

apostrophe <namespace>:<task name>

The apostrophe-cli assumes the apostrophe namespace when executing tasks. This means that if a task is in the apostrophe namespace (such as the apostrophe:reset task), simply execute:

apostrophe <task name>

For more information on command-line tasks in Apostrophe, visit the Command line tasks documentation for Apostrophe.

For documentation on Apostrophe, visit the A2 documentation site.