Group Giphy Saga Project: Search and Favorites

This week you will be building a Giphy Searching and Favoriting application which allows the user to save images and sort them into categories.

In this project you will need to utilize React, Redux, Redux-Saga and integrate them with a third-party API. Once your team has established a solid starting point, be sure to use branches and pull requests to facilitate collaboration.

Team Setup

Do not clone this repository. Instead, have one person create a new repo by clicking on the Use this template button to make a copy. Make your team collaborators on the new repo you have created. The rest of the team members that did not make the initial repo will clone directly from the person who created the new repo, do not fork the repo.

Create Database and Tables

See the database.sql file for database setup and details. It offers some of the SQL to get you started but you'll need to set up your tables and the relationships between them.

Development Setup Instructions

  • Run npm install.
    • Be sure to take stock of package.json to see which dependencies you'll need to add.
  • Start postgres if not running already by using opening up the, or if using Homebrew you can use the command brew services start postgresql.
  • Run npm run server to start the server.
  • Run npm run client to start the client.
  • Navigate to localhost:5173.

Base Features

You will need 2 views for the base features. You should put some thought into the UI and how to style it.

Search View

  • Allow a user to enter a search string and submit a search request.
  • Query the Giphy API Search Endpoint with the given search string FROM THE SERVER.
  • Display the results on the DOM.
  • Allow a user to "favorite" any of the resulting images. You'll need to think about what information to save to your own database. Generally you only store the minimum needed to show this image again on the Favorites View.

Favorites View

  • Allow a user to see all of the Giphy images they have made a favorite. The actual images need to appear on the DOM.
  • Allow a user to set a category for a favorite image.
    • Each favorite image can only have one category at a time.
    • The category needs to be one of the categories in the database.

Existing Router Files

You are given two router modules on the server with "stubs" for the routes you may need.

  • GET /api/categories (complete)

    • Returns an array of all categories from the table ordered by name.
  • POST /api/favorites (incomplete)

    • For adding a new favorite image. You'll need to think about what is needed. Does it need a category?
  • PUT /api/favorites/:id (incomplete)

    • For setting a category on an image. It expects both a route parameter and data body. Feel free to change it as needed.

Stretch Features

  1. Allow favorites to be removed from favorites.
  2. Allow for a favorite to have many categories instead of just one.
  3. Implement a pagination feature for the Giphy search results.
  4. Add another view that allows a user to manage the categories:
    • User should be able to create a new category.
    • User should be able to edit an existing category.
    • User should be able to delete/remove an existing category.