
Makeup for your mode-line

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Makeup on your mode-line.

Eyeliner provides an API for customizing your mode-line using colors and icons.

active unmodified buffer ./unmodified.png

inactive unmodified buffer (dimmed) ./dimmed.png

modified buffer ./modified.png

staged or unstaged changes ./git-changes.png



The quickest way to setup Eyeliner is to use straight.el’s use-package support.

(use-package eyeliner
  :straight (eyeliner :type git
                      :host github
                      :repo "dustinlacewell/eyeliner")
  (require 'eyeliner)

This should give you the default mode-line segments and colors.

Default Mode-line

The default mode-line contains the following segments:

  • buffer-modified a circle icon indicating the buffer modification state
  • branch-icon an icon indicating there are staged or unstaged git changes
  • branch-name displays the name of the current git branch
  • project-name displays the name of the current Projectile project
  • mode-icon displays an icon for the current major-mode
  • buffer-name displays the name of the current buffer

User Guide

Using Eyeliner is centered around three main concepts:

  • Segments which represent each part of your mode-line
  • Styles which are like dynamic faces that support dimming
  • Icons which are unicode characters that support styling

This guide will cover everything you need to know!


Segments represent the different parts making up your mode-line. They are defined using (eyeline/segment NAME BODY &rest PROPS). BODY should be a form that will be evaluated to produce the content of the mode-line Segment:

(eyeliner/segment my/buffer-name-segment (buffer-name))

This creates a segment called my/buffer-name-segment which just returns the result of (buffer-name). Segments can also return “propertized text” which can be used to control the coloring and font:

(eyeliner/segment my/buffer-name-segment
  (propertize (buffer-name)
    'face '(:foreground "blue" :family "monospace")))

It is important to note that a Segment’s BODY is not evaluated when eyeliner/segment is called, but each time the mode-line is rendered.

Dynamic Segments

A Segment’s BODY can contain whatever logic is useful. For example, we can change what face is used based on whether the buffer is modified:

(eyeliner/segment my/buffer-name-segment
  (let* ((buffer-state (format-mode-line "%*")))
    (propertize (buffer-name)
      'face (if (string= buffer-state "-")
                '(:foreground "white")
              '(:foreground "orange")))))

Another way Segments can be dynamic is by depending on the value of the active binding which is t or nil depending on whether the buffer is active:

(eyeliner/segment my/buffer-name-segment
  (propertize (buffer-name)
      'face (if active '(:foreground "white")
              '(:foreground "grey"))))

Later, we’ll see how Styles make this easier.

Segment Properties

After the BODY, any number of PROPS can be passed to eyeliner/segment which have the same effect as described in the Spaceline documentation. These can be used to tighten the margins around a Segment, or to merge it with its neighbor:

(eyeliner/segment my/buffer-name-segment (buffer-name)
  :tight t
  :skip-alternate t)


Styles help you apply colors and other face properties to your Segments. Styles are defined with (eyeliner/style NAME COLOR DARKNESS DESATURATION PROPS):

(eyeliner/style 'default "white")
(eyeliner/style 'warning "red")

This creates two Styles called eyeliner/default-style and eyeliner/warning-style which can be used to propertize text within your segments. Here is the my/buffer-name-segment from before, now with Style support:

(eyeliner/segment my/buffer-name-segment
  (let* ((buffer-state (format-mode-line "%*")))
    (if (string= buffer-state "-")
        (eyeliner/default-style (buffer-name))
      (eyeliner/warning-style (buffer-name)))))

Each Style is a function which takes text you want to propertize. Additionally, Styles will automatically propertize with a “dimmed” color when the active binding is nil.

Controlling Dimming

You may want to control how Eyeliner dims your Styles for inactive buffers. Simply use the DARKNESS and DESATURATION parameters:

(eyeliner/style 'warning "red" 25 25)

The values specify, from 0 to 100, what percent the brightness and saturation should be reduced to. In this case, each is reduced to just a quarter of the original.

The default dimming can bet set with eyeliner/default-darkness and eyeliner/default-desaturation.

Other Face Properties

The final parameter to eyeliner/style, PROPS can be used to customize your Style faces beyond just foreground color.


Icons are a lot like Styles but they don’t accept any parameters and always return the specified font-icon. You can define them with (eyeliner/icon NAME ICON-NAME COLOR &optional DARKNESS DESATURATION PROPS DISPLAY):

(eyeliner/icon octoface "octoface" "green")

This defines an Icon named eyeliner/octoface-icon which when called will return that font-icon propertized in a green face. Just like with Styles you can control dimming with DARKNESS and DESATURATION and additional face properties with PROPS.

Display Properties

Unlike with Styles, Icons additionally support specifying Display Properties with DISPLAY. This can be used to change the height of the Icon or raise it up and down:

(eyeliner/icon octoface "octoface" "green" nil nil nil
  '(:height 0.8 :raise -0.1))

Icon Names

Icons are sourced from all-the-icons.el so to find the name of an font icon you want to use you can look here:



As the Quick Start mentioned, the easiest way to install and configure Eyeliner is to use straight.el

(use-package eyeliner
  :straight (eyeliner :type git
                      :host github
                      :repo "dustinlacewell/eyeliner")
  (require 'eyeliner)

But you can use use-package without straight.el if you install Eyeliner to your load-path some other way.

Designing Your Mode-line

Specifying what Segments make up your mode-line can be done in two different ways. The first is by assigning lists containing the names of your Segments to eyeliner/left-hand-segments and eyeliner/right-hand-segments before calling (eyeliner/install):

(use-package eyeliner
  :straight (eyeliner :type git
                      :host github
                      :repo "dustinlacewell/eyeliner")
  (require 'eyeliner)

  (setq eyeliner/left-hand-segments
          (eyeliner/branch-icon :skip-alternate t :tight-right t)
          (eyeliner/project-name :skip-alternate t)
          (eyeliner/mode-icon :skip-alternate t :tight t)



Alternatively, you can pass these directly to (eyeliner/install):

(use-package eyeliner
  :straight (eyeliner :type git
                      :host github
                      :repo "dustinlacewell/eyeliner")
  (require 'eyeliner)

          (eyeliner/branch-icon :skip-alternate t :tight-right t)
          (eyeliner/project-name :skip-alternate t)
          (eyeliner/mode-icon :skip-alternate t :tight t)

Any Segment properties specified here will override those defined on the Segment itself. Refer to the Spaceline documentation to learn aobut them.

Customizing Built-In Segment Colors

Eyeliner comes with a number of default Segments to get you started. They all utilize some default colors which you can customize:

  • eyeliner/warm-color for when something might need attending to
  • eyeliner/cool-color for when something is A-OK
  • eyeliner/plain-color a neutral color for other situations

To customize these, simply assign a color to them with setq BEFORE (!) you load the library. This can be done using the :init section of a (use-package) call:

(use-package eyeliner
  :straight (eyeliner :type git
                      :host github
                      :repo "dustinlacewell/eyeliner")
  (setq eyeliner/warm-color "salmon")
  (setq eyeliner/cool-color "violet")
  (setq eyeliner/plain-color "yellow")

  (require 'eyeliner)

Built-In Segments


  • Buffer modified: circle-o icon in eyeliner/cool-color
  • Buffer unmodified: dot-circle-o icon in eyeliner/warm-color


  • Buffer modified: the buffer name in eyeliner/plain-color
  • Buffer unmodified: the buffer name in eyeliner/warm-color


  • No staged or unstaged changes: git-branch icon in eyeliner/cool-color
  • Staged or unstaged changes: diff-added icon in eyeliner/warm-color


  • No staged or unstaged changes: the branch name in eyeliner/cool-color
  • Staged or unstaged changes: the branch name in eyeliner/warm-color


(projectile-project-name) in eyeliner/plain-color


Major-mode relevant icon in eyeliner/plain-color