
Extenting vs-code html for Google App Script (GAS) syntax


Work in progress! Help and feedback welcome.

Trying to create vs-code language extension for Google App Script (GAS) html templates.



Copy and paste into the <user home>/.vscode/extensions folder and restart Code.

This will add a new language, "gas-html", with file extensions .ghtml and .gas-html. If you're editing a regular html file, you can still click the language in the bottom right of the editor and specify that the file is actually gas-html.



By adding <? ... ?> and <?= ... ?> into the brackets/pairs definitions in language-configuration.json those brackets will automatically close when editing gas-html files. So that's neat....

Token Parsing

If you open the command pallete and search "Developer: Inspect Editor Token and Scopes" you can see how the html is being parsed.

command pallete screenshot

You can see that <? ... ?> snippets that are not in a special context get new tags:

  • gas.tag.begin at the start
  • gas.tag.end at the end
  • meta.embedded.line.js in between
Tokens Start Tokens Middle
s1 s2

I think this is a good start! But it the parsing gets messed up if the gas tags appear in other contexts, like within an html tag or javascript section.



See vsc-extension-quickstart.md for more development instructions.