
Basic seed for development of Angular libraries.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular Lib Seed

A basic boilerplate project for development of Angular library, mostly for personal projects.

How to use?


To build the library:

$ npm run build

This script will:

  1. Clean the dist directory.
  2. Build the library to ES5 with ES2015 modules.
  3. Create a UMD bundle with rollup.
  4. Copy the package.json file and clean it up (drop devDependencies, scripts).
  5. Generate metadata.
  6. Copy the README.md file to dist.

To test the library use:

$ npm t

You can write tests in TypeScript and they will be run by mocha, with chai.


  • Support of test watch.

Demo app

There are also boilerplates for a sample demo application. In order to build it use:

# A shell script
$ ./build-demo

The demo app is really, very simple and doesn't aim to do anything complicated. What the build script will do is:

  1. Clean demo/vendor.
  2. Copy each registered dependency of the demo app to demo/vendor.
  3. Run npm run build.
  4. Run npm run build.demo which will:
    1. Clean demo/dist.
    2. Compile the files from demo/src.
  5. Copy dist/* to demo/dist.

In order to see your app:

$ cd demo && http-server .


A project which uses this seed is ngresizable.
