
Serverless Dashboard – A desktop application providing a UI for the Serverless Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

# Serverless Dashboard

This project is about providing a user-friendly layer on top of the serverless CLI.

See the goals of the project here


  • Run serverless commands from GUI
  • Invoke functions via GUI
  • Setup & Manage AWS profiles
  • Point and click editing
  • Add yours here!

Install and run locally

Download the latest version of the desktop app here

Or install the desktop app locally

First, clone the repo via git:

git clone https://github.com/serverless/dashboard.git

And then install dependencies.

cd dashboard && npm install

Running locally

Run these two commands simultaneously in different console tabs.

npm start
npm run dev

Run npm run dev (starts webpack + hot-reloading) and npm start (starts electron) in separate terminal windows.

Note: requires a node version >= 4 and an npm version >= 2.

File structure:

  • ./app react/redux app for UI
  • ./desktop/main.development.js is the electron main process file
  • ./static Static assets like images/fonts/svgs


If you use any 3rd party libraries which can't or won't be built with webpack, you must list them in your webpack.config.base.js

externals: [
  // put your node 3rd party libraries which can't be built with webpack here (mysql, mongodb, and so on..)

CSS Modules

Uses css-modules.

All .css file extensions will use css-modules unless it has .global.css.

If you need global styles, stylesheets with .global.css will not go through the css-modules loader. e.g. app.global.css

Prior Art

Forked from the amazing electron-react-boilerplate