A social network-like web application for creating activities (events) for people to attend them.
Implemented using the multiproject architecture and the CQRS+Mediator pattern.
- Authentication/Authorization
- Facebook authentication
- Create/Edit activity
- Attend/Unattend activity
- User profiles
- Follow/Unfollow user
- Upload/Delete photos - powered by Cloudinary
- Activity chat with live updates - powered by SignalR
- Serverside & Clientside validation
- Majority of security headers applied -
🅰️ security rank on securityheaders.com
- ASP.NET Core
- React && MobX && Axios
- TypeScript
- Entity Framework Core
- Semantic UI
- SQLite || SQL Server
- Json Web Tokens (JWT)
- SignalR
- Revalidate
- Date-FNS
- Final Form
- React Router
- Toastify
- React Widgets
- React Dropzone
- React Cropper
- Infinite Scroller