
.NET client wrapper for the FantasyData API

Primary LanguageC#

FantasyData .NET Client

.NET client wrapper for the FantasyData API

##NuGet Installation

From Visual Studio, open your NuGet Package Manager Console and type one of the following commands based on the API you are intending to use.

#####NFL API

PM> Install-Package FantasyData.NFL

#####MLB API

PM> Install-Package FantasyData.MLB


In order to begin using the FantasyData client library, you must start by configuring your application with your FantasyData.com API keys. If you don't have these, you can start by logging into your fantasydata.com account and locating the API keys under the subscriptions tab.

Once you have your API keys, you'll need to update your application's config file ( App.config or Web.config ). Add a new section element to the configSections element as follows.

    <section name="fantasyData" type="FantasyData.Configuration.FantasyDataSubscriptionRetrieverSection, FantasyData"/>

Next, you'll need to add a fantasyData section to your config file.

<fantasyData defaultSubscription="NFL">
      <add name="NFL" baseUrl="http://api.nfldata.apiphany.com/nfl/v2/" primarySubscriptionKey="***primarySubscriptionKey***" secondarySubscriptionKey="***secondarySubscriptionKey***"/>
      <add name="MLB" baseUrl="http://api.nfldata.apiphany.com/mlb/v2/" primarySubscriptionKey="***primarySubscriptionKey***" secondarySubscriptionKey="***secondarySubscriptionKey***"/>

You'll need at least the one subscription under the subscriptions element.

Note: Make sure the defaultSubscription attribute of value correlates with the subscription you're intending the application to use.