
Babel Plugin for importing Ember Addons into Node

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Babel Plugin for Importing Ember Addons into the global namespace.

Hooray, you're trying to import an Ember Addon into a Node project!

You've probably noticed that Ember doesn't use an absolute namespace for a project, but assumes that /addon or /app are the base. This plugin allows you to rewrite imports from specific modules to include the addon or app path.


You'll want to start off with all of the es2015 plugins, but replacing the modules-commonjs plugin with this one. Then define your module replacements, which have a simple in/out, as shown below

  "plugins": [
    ["transform-es2015-modules-commonjs-ember", {
      moduleReplacements: [
        {in:'my-ember-addon', out:'my-ember-addon/addon'},
        {in:'my-ember-app', out:'my-ember-app/app'}
    ["babel-plugin-transform-regenerator", { async: false, asyncGenerators: false }]

The main caveat here is that we are not actually combining or changing the actual namespaces, simply the way that the namespace is re-written from import -> require. This means that you can only import from app or addon... it is NOT exactly the same as ember's more complicated namespacing... only a rough approximation.