
Everything that can't go anywhere else.

Primary LanguagePython

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

Omnium-gatherum \Om`ni*um-gath”er*um\, n. [A macaronic compound of L. omnium, gen. pl. of omnis all, and E. gather.] A miscellaneous collection of things or persons; a confused mixture; a medley; a hodgepodge. [Colloq. & Humorous] –Selden.

Syn: hotchpotch, odds and ends, farrago, motley collection. [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:

omnium-gatherum n 1: a motley assortment of things [syn: {odds and ends}, {oddments}, {melange}, {farrago}, {ragbag}, {mishmash}, {mingle-mangle}, {hodgepodge}, {hotchpotch}, {gallimaufry}, {omnium-gatherum}]