
👨‍🔬 Collection of reusable Vue.js goodies

Primary LanguageVue

👨‍🔬 Vue Lab

Vue Lab is collection of detailed Vue.js components and directives that can easily be reused into your Vue.js projects. Such Vue.js goodies are useful when pulling an existing library seems like an overkill and you just need a place to start, something to copy/paste/edit into your projects.


  • Delete. Confirm deletion without openning a modal.
  • EditableTextarea. Edit the selected text of a textarea. (renderless)
  • InputFile. Display a decent input file to your users.
  • ResizableTextarea. Resize a textarea based on its content. (renderless)


  • Dragdrop. Reorder your lists using drag&drop.


You are more than welcome to request or suggest more Vue.js goodies by either openning an issue or implementing it yourself in a PR. When openning a PR, please provide a readme.md file following the same convention as the ones provided with existing goodies. A working example on CodePen and/or a blog article is also more than welcome.