
Enable Hubot to learn from chat history and impersonate users. Hubot attempts to act more natural in its responses by adding delay variance and response frequency thresholds to prevent channel spamming and act as a good (if slightly deranged) citizen.

Bob: pizza is super good
Alice: hubot impersonate bob
Hubot: Alright, I'll impersonate Bob.
Eve: I love pizza
Hubot: pizza is super


Currently uses simple Markov chain based on markov-respond. I'm using msgpack to store the model efficiently.


Operation mode

Set the mode of operation (default 'train'). Can be one of 'train', 'respond', 'train_respond'.


Minimum number of words

Ignore messages with fewer than N words (default 1).


Initialization timeout

Wait for N milliseconds for hubot to initialize and load brain data from redis. (default 10000)


Case sensitivity

Whether to keep the original case of words. (default false)


Strip punctuation

Whether to strip punctuation/symbols from messages. (default false)


Response delay (per word)

Simulate time to type a word, as a baseline, in milliseconds. A naive variance is applied to this number so as to produce irregularities in perceived response speed. (default 600)


Frequency threshold

On a scale of 0-100, what number has to be exceeded by the randomizer in order to return a response. (default 50)




Start impersonating <user>.

hubot impersonate <user>


Stop impersonating.

hubot stop impersonating

Stop impersonation in the present room

Hush hubot's impersonation routines in the present room

hubot stop impersonation in here

Start impersonation in the present room

Allow hubot's impersonation routines in the present room

hubot start impersonation in here

Get impersonation status

Find out who's being impersonated along with restricted rooms.

hubot give impersonation status


  • Turn RESTRICTED_AREAS to ALLOWED_AREAS and allow as a configuration variable
  • Allow for frequency threshold manipulation by users
  • Disregard frequency threshold if directly addressed or mentioned
  • Investigate pruning of phrases by keyword to clean up overly-emphasized segments
  • Investigate per-user history clean-slating