
Application in PHP to fetch all upcoming Competitive Programming Competitions across various sites, and display in a formatted manner.

Primary LanguagePHP


Application to grab details of upcoming competitive coding competitions from their respective websites.

Execution Instructions

  • Clone repository, navigate to the directory and run the following commands:
cd public
php -S localhost:8080

Adding More Site

The following steps can be undertaken to scrape data from a custom site:

  • Create a file in controllers folder in the format c_YourSiteName.php
	// Include the class that we create objects of
	function scrape_site()
  • Copy the above template into this file
  • In scrape_site(), scrape the site into an array of type contest defined here.
  • Each object of the array represents a single competition.
  • For error checking, echo "INV"; and exit;
  • After gathering details, echo the json_encode($arr);
  • Edit websites.json in the root directory, by adding the site name and folder location of the scraper.
  • Optionally add a picture of the site logo to the images folder in public.

Explanation of File Structure

  • controllers folder contains all the scraping logic.
  • models folder currently only contains m_contest.php which contains a class contest describing the details required for a class.
  • public contains the index.php and logos of competitive coding sites.


  • Change to JavaScript and Ajax, instead of PHP output.
  • Implement a way so that all files relating to a single competitive site are gathered together.
  • Improve formatting of data
  • Implement raw data storage so that user isn't forced to wait while data is gathered.
  • Port to Python as a standalone application.

Credits to:
Jack Rugile (https://codepen.io/jackrugile/full/EyABe/) for the table structure.