

  • Soliciting Human-in-the-Loop User Feedback for Interactive Machine Learning Reduces User Trust and Impressions of Model Accuracy(AAAI) [paper]
  • From Zero to Hero: Human-In-The-Loop Entity Linking in Low Resource Domains(ACL) [paper]
  • Explanation Augmented Feedback in Human-in-the-Loop Reinforcement Learning(arxiv) [paper]
  • Human-In-The-Loop Automatic Program Repair(ICST) [paper]
  • Interventional Few-Shot Learning(NeurIPS) [paper]
  • Human-in-the-loop Outlier Detection(SIGMOD) [paper]
  • Human-in-the-Loop Low-Shot Learning(TNNLS) [paper]
  • Human-in-the-loop differential subspace search in high-dimensional latent space(TOG) [paper]


  • Why Didn't You Listen to Me? Comparing User Control of Human-in-the-Loop Topic Models(ACL) [paper]
  • A Survey on Active Learning and Human-in-the-Loop Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis(arxiv) [paper]
  • Smart computational exploration of stochastic gene regulatory network models using human-in-the-loop semi-supervised learning(Bioinformatics) [paper]
  • Explore and Exploit. Dictionary Expansion with Human-in-the-Loop(ESWC) [paper]
  • Deep Reinforcement Active Learning for Human-In-The-Loop Person Re-Identification(ICCV) [paper]
  • Human-in-the-Loop Design with Machine Learning(ICED) [paper]
  • BabyAI: A Platform to Study the Sample Efficiency of Grounded Language Learning(ICLR) [paper]
  • “Weak” Control for Human-in-the-Loop Systems(IEEE Control Systems Letters) [paper]
  • Human-in-the-loop Augmented Mapping(IROS) [paper]
  • Viewpoint: Human-in-the-loop Artificial Intelligence(JAIR) [paper]
  • How to Invest my Time: Lessons from Human-in-the-Loop Entity Extraction(SIGKDD) [paper]
  • Give Me a Hint! Navigating Image Databases Using Human-in-the-Loop Feedback(WACV) [paper]
  • A Human-in-the-loop Attribute Design Framework for Classification(WWW) [paper]


  • Interactive machine learning: experimental evidence for the human in the algorithmic loop(**Applied Intelligence **) [paper]
  • Few-Shot Text Classification with Pre-Trained Word Embeddings and a Human in the Loop(arxiv) [paper]
  • Towards understanding and simplifying human-in-the-loop machine learning(**Graduate Dissertations and Theses at Illinois **) [paper]
  • A Human-in-the-Loop System for Sound Event Detection and Annotation(TIIS) [paper]


  • Where to Add actions in human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning(AAAI) [paper]
  • Agent-Agnostic Human-in-the-Loop Reinforcement Learning(arxiv) [paper]
  • Hike: A Hybrid Human-Machine Method for Entity Alignment in Large-Scale Knowledge Bases(**CIKM **) [paper]
  • Human-in-the-Loop Mobile Networks: A Survey of Recent Advancements(JSAC) [paper]
  • Improving Human-in-the-Loop Adaptive Systems Using Brain-Computer Interaction(SEAMS) [paper]
  • Human-in-the-Loop Challenges for Entity Matching: A Midterm Report(SIGMOD) [paper]
  • Human-in-the-loop data integration(VLDB) [paper]


  • Artificial Swarm Intelligence, a human-in-the-loop approach to A.I.(AAAI) [paper]
  • Human-in-the-Loop Parsing(EMNLP) [paper]
  • Dialogue Learning With Human-In-The-Loop(ICLR) [paper]
  • The Human in the Loop(Neurorehabilitation Technology) [paper]
  • Bridging the gap between user intention and model parameters for human-in-the-loop data analytics(SIGMOD) [paper]


  • LSUN: Construction of a Large-scale Image Dataset using Deep Learning with Humans in the Loop(arxiv) [paper]


  • A POMDP framework for human-in-the-loop system(CDC) [paper]
  • Reducing Energy Waste for Computers by Human-in-the-Loop Control(IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing) [paper]
  • The human is the loop: new directions for visual analytics(Journal of Intelligent Information Systems) [paper]


  • The Future of Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems(**Computer **) [paper]


  • Personalized video summarization with human in the loop(WACV) [paper]


  • Feasibility of Human-in-the-loop Minimum Error Rate Training(EMNLP) [paper]


  • A framework for reasoning about the human in the loop(UPSEC) [paper]


  • Vision Systems with the Human in the Loop(Journal on Advances in Signal Processing) [paper]