
cordova-plugin-stripe-alipay,support iOS and android !

Primary LanguageJava

1.Install plugin

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-stripe-alipay

2.Alipay on iOS

2.1.Mannual config: AppDelegate.MD

Add code on AppDelegate.m

 This method is implemented to route returnURLs back to the Stripe SDK.
 @see https://stripe.com/docs/mobile/ios/authentication#return-url
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options {
    BOOL stripeHandled = [Stripe handleStripeURLCallbackWithURL:url];
    if (stripeHandled) {
        return YES;
    } else {
        // This was not a stripe url – do whatever url handling your app
        // normally does, if any.
    return NO;

2.2 Mannual config: set key && scheme

On CDVStripeAlipay.m,add your own key!

[Stripe setDefaultPublishableKey:@"pk_live_YOUR_OWN_KEY_XXXXXXX"];

Modify scheme

#define DEFAULT_SCHEME       @"cuteapp://safepay/"

2.3 Mannual config: Add Scheme

Project => Target => Info => URL Types => Click + => URL Schemes: cuteapp
URLSchemes should the same as 【DEFAULT_SCHEME】 prefix

2.4 _config reference


2.Test stripe alipay

2.1.Test alipay with default source

Called in javascript, spend least money.

    result => {
        alert("succeed:" + JSON.stringify(result));
    err => {
        alert("err:" + JSON.stringify(err));

2.2.Test alipay with source json

Called in javascript

let source = `{"amount":50, "currency":"jpy","extraParams":{},"owner":{"email":"sample@sample.smp","name":"Mr. Sample"},"returnUrl":"mycompany://alipay","type":"alipay","typeRaw":"alipay"}`;
    result => {
        alert("succeed:" + JSON.stringify(result));
    err => {
        alert("err:" + JSON.stringify(err));


3.1.Use test key maybe get some error

test key like pk_test_ABACDF2hitYZV1hsqU00jfHaLuse maybe get some unknown error!

Suggest sue pk_live_XXX key.


Map<String, Object> alipayParams = source.getSourceTypeData();
final String dataString = (String) alipayParams.get("data_string");

get data_string all return "null",

3.2.Error:Invalid currency

com.stripe.android.exception.InvalidRequestException: Invalid currency: cny. The payment method `alipay` only supports the following currencies: aud, cad, eur, gbp, hkd, jpy, nzd, sgd, usd.

The currency you use should the same as your company region. not the customer's region.

your company region: 'japan', maybe you should use 'jpy'
your company region: 'America', maybe you should use 'usd'
your company region: 'china', maybe you should use 'cny' or 'hkd'(i don't know,because my company is not in china's mainland, somebody who use it may tell me the result)

3.3.Too little money to test

com.stripe.android.exception.InvalidRequestException: Amount must convert to at least 400 cents. ¥50 converts to approximately \$3.58.

Too little money to test, add it.

version log


Add set default key api