- 1
Could you please support version v7.17.23?
#154 opened by pp292 - 1
Hỗ trợ 8.12?
#148 opened by QuanTran91 - 1
Hỗ trợ OpenSearch
#156 opened by nguyen-viet-hung - 2
Cài thư viện vào plugin elasticsearch
#155 opened by 19longdt - 2
how to use
#153 opened by hieuthanhpro - 0
Setting index
#152 opened by hieuthanhpro - 3
tokenizer not found
#151 opened by vuchiencong - 1
build plugin 8.11.3 lỗi ạ
#149 opened by vuchiencong - 1
Hỏi về cài đặt thư viện
#150 opened by kien-vu-uet - 6
Error when test tokenizer
#145 opened by chientv-comartek - 0
Cannot start elasticsearch when install plugin
#146 opened by anhndh-vbee - 3
8.7.0 error
#142 opened by 2547409617 - 2
8.7.0 error
#144 opened by meofiscoding - 2
_analyze not working with vietnamese
#143 opened by letranhuudanh0030 - 4
Fuzzy search và elasticsearch-analysis-vietnamese
#138 opened by vituthanh - 4
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.3:compile (default-compile) on project elasticsearch-analysis-vietnamese: Fatal error compiling: invalid target release: 11 -> [Help 1]
#129 opened by luutan04 - 8
Lỗi Could not find plugin class []
#133 opened by vituthanh - 6
- 12
Hướng dẫn đầy đủ cài đặt đây !
#111 opened by thusinh1969 - 7
The plugin with new C++ tokenizer
#96 opened by duydo - 2
support for elasticsearch version 8.6.1?
#130 opened by zr292 - 8
Support for ES 8.3?
#128 opened by mofolo - 2
Bị lỗi khi cài đặt trên MacOS
#127 opened by lttin0912 - 4
Plugin for ES 7.10?
#93 opened by huynhminhphuc - 3
vi_tokenizer Không dữ lại token gốc khi config filter preserve_original = true
#123 opened by phikll12 - 2
Error testVietnameseTokenizer(org.elasticsearch.index.analysis.VietnameseAnalysisTests)
#126 opened by BlankS2 - 2
Offset Bug
#114 opened by vukhacbiet - 2
- 1
- 9
Error library libcoccoc_tokenizer_jni
#102 opened by newgate1999 - 1
Logical operators are tokenized as lower case words
#124 opened by andacu - 1
Vấn đề về Get All Document Analysis
#112 opened by ninhtruong - 2
- 1
Cho mình hỏi về file coccoc-tokenizer.jar
#104 opened by dinhan92 - 1
Error in Make Install
#103 opened by dinhan92 - 1
Does vi_analyzer still have lowercase?
#109 opened by trungtv1207 - 0
Lỗi không chạy được ES do ghi đè không đúng
#113 opened by tranha31 - 7
- 1
Uncompleted package !!!
#110 opened by thusinh1969 - 3
Tokenizer "vi_tokenizer" doesn't work with character filter "html_strip"
#98 opened by seta-hainguyen - 1
- 2
- 4
Plugin Support for OpenSearch
#95 opened by soosinha - 6
- 4
Failing to build ES versions 7.7/7.8
#85 opened by thalurur - 1
mvn packed 7.9.1 fail
#87 opened by bogiahuy - 2
- 1
- 2
How about with ES 6.x?
#79 opened by cuongntr - 1
Where can i download for 7.7 version
#90 opened by lasagar