
Manage Redshift/Postgres privileges in GitOps style written in Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

grant-rs crates.io Build & Test

An open-source project that aims to manage Postgres/Redshift database roles and privileges in GitOps style, written in Rust.

Home | Documentation

This project is still in the early stages of development and is not ready for any kind of production use or any alpha/beta testing.

Level Supported Description
DATABASE Support grant CREATE| TEMP | ALL on database(s) to user
SCHEMA Support grant CREATE | USAGE | ALL on schema(s) to user
TABLE Support grant SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | DROP | REFERENCES | ALL on tables(s) or ALL tables in schema(s) to user.
Supported excluding table(s) by adding - before the table name (e.g. tables: [ALL, -table]).
FUNCTION Not supported yet


Install via Homebrew:

brew tap duyet/tap
brew install grant

Or, install binary from crates.io via Cargo. You will need to have Rust installed. You can get it by visiting rustup.rs. This'll also install Cargo, Rust's package/project manager.

cargo install grant


Using grant tool:

$ grant --help

grant 0.0.1-beta.3
Manage database roles and privileges in GitOps style

    grant <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    apply       Apply a configuration to a redshift by file name. Yaml format are accepted
    gen         Generate sample configuration file
    gen-pass    Generate random password
    help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    inspect     Inspect current database cluster with connection info from configuration file
    validate    Validate a configuration file or a target directory that contains configuration files

Generate project structure

grant gen --target ./cluster

Creating path: "./cluster"
Generated: "./cluster/config.yml"

Apply privilege changes

Content of ./examples/example.yaml:

  type: "postgres"
  # support environment variables, e.g. postgres://${HOSTNAME}:5432
  url: "postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres"

  - name: role_database_level
    type: database
      - CREATE
      - TEMP
      - postgres

  - name: role_schema_level
    type: schema
      - CREATE
      - postgres
      - public
  - name: role_all_schema
    type: table
      - SELECT
      - INSERT
      - UPDATE
      - postgres
      - public
      - ALL # include all table
      - +public_table # can add `+` to mark included tables (public.public_table)
      - -secret_table # add `-` to exclude this table (public.secret_table)
      - -schema2.table # exclude schema2.table

  - name: duyet
    password: 1234567890 # password in plaintext
      - role_database_level
      - role_all_schema
      - role_schema_level
  - name: duyet2
    password: md58243e8f5dfb84bbd851de920e28f596f # support md5 style: grant gen-pass -u duyet2
      - role_database_level
      - role_all_schema
      - role_schema_level

Apply this config to cluster:

grant apply -f ./examples/example.yaml

[2021-12-06T14:37:03Z INFO  grant::connection] Connected to database: postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres
[2021-12-06T14:37:03Z INFO  grant::apply] Summary:
    │ User       │ Action                     │
    │ ---        │ ---                        │
    │ duyet      │ no action (already exists) │
    │ duyet2     │ no action (already exists) │
[2021-12-12T13:48:22Z INFO  grant::apply] Success: GRANT CREATE, TEMP ON DATABASE postgres TO duyet;
[2021-12-12T13:48:22Z INFO  grant::apply] Success: GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO duyet;
[2021-12-12T13:48:22Z INFO  grant::apply] Success: GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO duyet;
[2021-12-12T13:48:22Z INFO  grant::apply] Success: GRANT CREATE, TEMP ON DATABASE postgres TO duyet2;
[2021-12-12T13:48:22Z INFO  grant::apply] Success: GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO duyet2;
[2021-12-12T13:48:22Z INFO  grant::apply] Success: GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO duyet2;
[2021-12-12T13:48:22Z INFO  grant::apply] Summary:
    │ User   │ Role Name           │ Detail               │ Status  │
    │ ---    │ ---                 │ ---                  │ ---     │
    │ duyet  │ role_database_level │ database["postgres"] │ updated │
    │ duyet  │ role_schema_level   │ schema["public"]     │ updated │
    │ duyet  │ role_table_level    │ table["ALL"]         │ updated │
    │ duyet2 │ role_database_level │ database["postgres"] │ updated │
    │ duyet2 │ role_schema_level   │ schema["public"]     │ updated │
    │ duyet2 │ role_table_level    │ table["ALL"]         │ updated │

Generate random password

$ grant gen-pass

Generated password: q)ItTjN$EXlkF@Tl
$ grant gen-pass --user duyet

Generated password: o^b3aD1L$xLm%#~U
Generated MD5 (user: duyet): md58243e8f5dfb84bbd851de920e28f596f

Inspect the current cluster

$ grant inspect -f examples/example.yaml

[2021-11-29T07:46:44Z INFO  grant::inspect] Current users in postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres:
    │ User       │ CreateDB │ Super │ Password │
    │ ---        │ ---      │ ---   │ ---      │
    │ postgres   │ truetrue******** │
    │ duyet      │ falsefalse******** │


Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/duyet/grant-rs && cd grant-rs

Postgres is required for testing, you might need to use the docker-compose.yaml:

docker-compose up -d

Make sure you have connection to postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres.

On the MacOS, the easiest way is install Postgres.app.

To run the unittest:

cargo test


I greatly appreciate if you have any ideas or make a PR to this project. Thank you for contributing!


  • Support reading connection info from environment variables
  • Support store encrypted password in Git (md5)
  • Support Postgres and Redshift
  • Support change password (via: users[*].update_password=true)
  • Visuallization (who can see what?)
  • Apply show more detail about diff changes
  • Inspect show more detail about user privileges
  • Command to rotate passwords
  • Suport DROP users that not in the configuration (it's not safe to do it for now)