
Lists of the most common Vietnamese words.

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Lists of the most common Vietnamese words.

As a service to the developer community I have compiled lists of the most common Vietnamese words. There are 4 lists of different sizes:

  • a small list of about 11.000 words (Viet11K.txt)
  • a middle-sized list of about 22.000 words (Viet22K.txt)
  • a larger list which comprises more than 39.000 words and phrases (Viet39K.txt)
  • a large list with about 74.000 and phrases (Viet74K.txt).

The word lists are stored in Unicode and TCVN3 (aka ABC) encoding and sorted in the standard dictionary order.


curl -o Viet74K.txt https://vietnamese-wordlist.duyet.net/Viet74K.txt


GNU General Public License

Ho Ngoc Duc: http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~duc/software/misc/wordlist.html