
Primary LanguageLua



  • Node 18 or later
  • Neovim 8 or later
  • Vim 0.4 or later


  • Install Packer
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim\

Then run following built-in command to install plugins:

:PackerUpdate or :PackerInstall
git clone https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server
cd lua-language-server

// If you are receiving a compile error similar to cannot find -lstdc++ when running a make script, you may need to install libstdc++.
// On Fedora Linux or similar, you can do this by running the following
dnf install libstdc++-static

If you get error when running ./make.sh, maybe you need to install ninja package apt install ninja-build

  • Active Gruvbox theme uncomment following line in lua/base.lua
vim.cmd([[colorscheme gruvbox]])


[coc] server connection lost
Run :CocInstall . It requires Node version ≥ 18
prettiered not found. did you forget to install it
Install pretter globally `npm install -g prettier`
Active Pretter using COC: `:CocInstall coc-prettier`
Got issue with Treesitter
If you got error message in treesitter panel when you select a specific file, ie: base.lua. You have install it in Treesitter by using command: `TSInstall lua`