
Neural News Recommendation with Multi-Head Self-Attention

Primary LanguagePython


Code for Neural News Recommendation with Multi-Head Self-Attention. Please see the paper.



I run my code with Python==3.9, pytorch==1.11.0, transformers==4.21.0, scikit-learn==1.1.2, tensorboard==2.9.1, tqdm==4.64.0.


The datasets used in my experiments: link

File Name Description
news.tsv The information of news articles
train_behaviors.tsv The click histories and impression logs of users for training phase
valid_behaviors.tsv The click histories and impression logs of users for validation phase
test_behaviors.tsv The click histories and impression logs of users for test phase
category2id.json Mapping the category of news to id
user2id.json Mapping the user to id

The *_behaviors.tsv file contains the impression logs and users' news click histories. It has 5 columns divided by the tab symbol:

  • Impression ID: The ID of an impression.
  • User ID: The ID of a user.
  • Time: The impression time with format "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM".
  • History: The news click history (ID list of clicked news) of this user before this impression. The clicked news articles are ordered by time.
  • Impressions: List of news displayed in this impression and user's click behaviors on them (1 for click and 0 for non-click). The orders of news in an impressions have been shuffled.

The news.tsv file contains the detailed information of news articles involved in the *_behaviors.tsv file. It has 4 columns, which are divided by the tab symbol:

  • News ID
  • Title
  • Category
  • Sapo


Download the data and save it in data/.

Single GPU training:

python main.py train @config/train.txt


python main.py eval @config/eval.txt --saved_model_path path_to_your_saved_model