Project for CT474 - Internship Summer 2024


A reference .NET application implemented by Duy Nguyen

Technology Stack

  • dotnet8: Primary framework for backend development.
  • Next.js 14: Frontend framework for building React applications.
  • NextAuth 4: Authentication library for Next.js applications.
  • YARP BFF: Backend for Frontend pattern using YARP (Yet Another Reverse Proxy) to distribute incoming network traffic across multiple servers.
  • Rate Limit: Rate Limit using Yarp.
  • Redis: In-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker.
  • PostgreSQL: Relational database for data storage.
  • Prometheus / Grafana: Monitoring and metrics collection tools.
  • OIDC (OpenID Connect): Authentication layer based on OAuth 2.0 protocol.
  • OpenAPI: Specification for building and documenting APIs.
  • Docker: Containerization platform for packaging applications and dependencies.
  • Nginx: Web server and reverse proxy server.
  • CI using GitHub Workflows: Continuous integration setup for automated builds and tests.
  • Cron PgDump (Backup): Scheduled database backups using cron jobs.
  • Testing using xUnit: Framework for unit and integration testing.
  • Git / GitHub: Version control and repository hosting platform.
  • Taskfile: Task automation tool for defining and running tasks.
  • Kubernetes (Optional): Container orchestration tool for managing containerized applications.
  • AI (Optional): Integration of artificial intelligence capabilities.

Missing Lots of Resources

  • Pagination
  • Optimization
  • Logic - Domain Driven Design
  • Should Try Activity OpenTelemetry
  • Should Try Marten
  • Should Try Mediator to implement CQRS
  • Should apply as much design patterns as possible for flexibility
  • Service Discovery
  • I can't do everything as I am a mediocre person 🤤🤤🤤


  1. healthrc-svc: HealthRecord.API Service
  2. speech-svc: SpeechRecognition.API Service
  3. identity-svc: Identity.API Service
  4. BFF: Backend for Frontend Service

Getting Started

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install Docker and Docker Compose.
  3. Configure your /etc/hosts with mkcert -key-file -cert-file in the certs folder.
  4. Run docker-compose up to start the application and its dependencies.
  5. Access the application.


For contributions, please contact Duy Nguyen Bui via email: