
Building real estate trading applications using Blockchain technology.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Luận văn đại học

Đề tài

Xây dựng ứng dụng quản lý và giao dịch bất động sản áp dụng công nghệ Blockchain (Dapps).

Nhóm sinh viên thực hiện:

  1. Trần Tấn Lộc - 16520679
  2. Nguyễn Duy Quốc - 16521007

Smart contract

RoleBasedAcl contract

Manage role-based access control. 2 roles: SuperAdmin, Notary.


  • Assign role to address
  • Unassign role to address
  • Check role of address
  • Get all address and role

RealEstate contract

Real estate management contracts


  • Create new certificate (notary)
  • Activate certificate (owner)

Transaction contract

Real estate transactions contract


The transaction process takes place through 4 steps as follows:

  1. Create transaction: Buyer create transaction and send deposit amount to smart contract.
  2. Accept transaction: Seller accept deposit and receive deposit amount front smart contract.
  3. Payment: Buyer payment the remaining amount + tax (registration tax) and send it to smart contract.
  4. Confirm transaction: Seller confirm transaction, receive the remaining amount - tax (personal income tax) from smart contract. At the same time, real estate be transferred to buyer.

In addition, between steps 1-2, 2-3, 3-4. Buyer or Seller can Cancel transaction.

Deploy smart contracts

Deploy smart contracts using truffle framework

  • Test smart contracts
    truffle test
  • Deploy smart contracts to your local Ganache instance
    truffle migrate --reset
  • Deploy to other networks like testnet or mainnet
    truffle migrate --reset --network ropsten

Front end

Notes: After deploy smart contract. Replace contract address in client/config/common-path, replace contract json file in client/src/contracts


npm start

Back end

Notes: After deploy smart contract. Replace contract address in server/src/config/common-path, replace contract json file in server/src/contracts


npm run dev