We will build a team management system with 5 basic modules:
- Auth
- Member
- Post
- Notification
- Task
docker build -t <image-name>:<image-ver> --build-arg SERVICE=<service-name> .
# Example
docker build -t auth:v1 --build-arg SERVICE=auth .
docker build -t member:v1 --build-arg SERVICE=member .
docker build -t task:v1 --build-arg SERVICE=task .
docker build -t report:v1 --build-arg SERVICE=report .
docker build -t notification:v1 --build-arg SERVICE=notification .
docker tag auth:v1 <your-docker-hub-user>/<image-name>:<version>
# Example
docker tag auth:v1 duynguyen21vnlp/ms-auth:v1
docker tag report:v1 duynguyen21vnlp/ms-report:v1
docker tag task:v1 duynguyen21vnlp/ms-task:v1
docker tag member:v1 duynguyen21vnlp/ms-member:v1
docker tag notification:v1 duynguyen21vnlp/ms-notification:v1
docker push <your-docker-hub-user>/<image-name>:<version>
# Example
docker push duynguyen21vnlp/ms-auth:v1
docker push duynguyen21vnlp/ms-task:v1
docker push duynguyen21vnlp/ms-report:v1
docker push duynguyen21vnlp/ms-member:v1
docker push duynguyen21vnlp/ms-notification:v1
kubectl create secret generic regcred \
--from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/.docker/config.json> \
- Each service will run in a deployment:
kubectl apply -f k8s/<service-name>/deployment.yml
# Example
kubectl apply -f k8s/auth/deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/member/deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/notification/deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/report/deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/task/deployment.yml
- Run service in k8s to connect pod
kubectl apply -f k8s/<service-name>/service.yml
# Example
kubectl apply -f k8s/auth/service.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/member/service.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/notification/service.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/report/service.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/task/service.yml
Now you can test everything work by run port-forward
kubectl port-forward service/auth 3000:80
curl localhost:3000/ping
# pong
- When you finish all command above, you can test access to
auth service
curl localhost:8082/ping
# pong
- Install Kong:
kubectl apply -f kong/namespace.yml
kubectl apply -f kong/pv_claim.yml
kubectl apply -f kong/deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f kong/service.yml
kubectl apply -f kong/migration.yml
kubectl apply -f kong/custom.yml
- Create ingress for all services:
kubectl apply -f k8s/<service-name>/ingress.yml
# Example
kubectl apply -f k8s/auth/ingress.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/member/ingress.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/notification/ingress.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/report/ingress.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/task/ingress.yml
- After finish above command
# Port forwarding to kong proxy
kubectl -n kong port-forward service/kong-proxy 3000:80
# Check service available
curl localhost:3000/auth/ping
curl localhost:3000/notification/ping
curl localhost:3000/member/ping
curl localhost:3000/task/ping
curl localhost:3000/report/ping
- Install Konga:
kubectl apply -f konga/migration.yml
kubectl apply -f konga/deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f konga/service.yml
- Port forward konga:
kubectl port-forward -n kong service/konga-svc 1337:1337
Setting in Konga admin:
- Admin URL:
- Admin URL:
Setting JWT và Auth service:
Flow sử dụng JWT plugin
Có thể custom Auth Service với Kong:
Nhưng có vấn đề là phải viết bằng Lua :(, mặc dù có code sẵn cho plugin nhưng cũng sẽ khó custom nếu không biết Lua.
Một vài câu hỏi với API Gateway:
- Có thể và có nên tự setup API Gateway không?
- Nếu dùng Kong thì khi có identifier mới thì đều phải lưu trữ ở db của Kong, hoặc phải thiết kế DB theo format của Kong, có đúng không?
- Có thể custom service register theo business không, và có dễ dàng không?