
Source code tree of Duyu Audio Processor Core. Based on Numpy, Scipy, Sonic Library and FFmpeg. It can process mainstream format audio files, such as: transform sampling format, gain attenuation, channel mixing, reverberation echo effect, adjust speed and tone, cut, blend, add mute, fade in fade out effect, FFT filter, 3D surround sound effect,etc.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Duyu Audio Processor Core

Software Introduction 软件简介

  • 软件全称:Duyu Audio Processor Core
  • 软件简称:DAPC (或 dapc)
  • 软件中文全称:DuYu音频处理器核心程序
  • 软件功能:简单处理主流格式的音频文件,诸如:变换采样格式,增益衰减,声道混缩,混响回声效果,调整速度与音调,剪切,混合,添加静音,淡入淡出效果,FFT滤波,3D环绕声音效等。
  • 项目开工时间:2020年05月02日
  • 最后更新时间与最新版本:2023年03月14日 v3.5.2.
  • 项目中使用的第三方开源软件:Sonic Library, FFmpeg.
  • 软件发行版下载地址:https://github.com/duyu09/Duyu-Audio-Processor-Core/releases/
  • 中文官方网站:https://www.duyu09.site/dapc/dapc.html
  • 简单使用方法:
    • 基本使用方法: dapc -i <inputFile> -o [outputFile] --output-option [sampleRate] [bitDepth]
    • 更多用法和细节: dapc -h

Copyright Statement 著作权声明

  • Python source code of Duyu Audio Processor Core (DAPC) software system:

Copyright © 2020~2023 DuYu (No.202103180009), Faculty of Computer Science & Technology, Qilu University of Technology. All rights reserved. All of the DAPC source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

DAPC软件系统Python源代码: © 2020~2023 齐鲁工业大学 计算机科学与技术学部 杜宇 保留所有权利。 DAPC软件系统的所有Python源代码都是在Apache 2.0协议的许可下授权的。

  • C source code of Sonic Library:

Copyright © 2010 Bill Cox. All of the Sonic library source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Sonic动态链接库C语言源代码: © 2010 比尔-考克斯。Sonic动态链接库的所有C语言源代码都是在Apache 2.0协议的许可下授权的。

  • C source code of FFmpeg:

Copyright © 2000~2021 the FFmpeg developers. All of the ffmpeg source code is licensed under the LGPL/GPL.

FFmpeg音视频转码单元C语言源代码: © 2000~2021 FFmpeg 全体开发者。FFmpeg的所有C语言源代码都是在LGPL/GPL协议的许可下授权的。

Software Update Logs 软件更新日志

  • Update on May. 2nd, 2020



  • Update on Dec. 31st, 2021


  • Update on July 11th, 2022

v2.0, v3.0与v3.1版本:添加了增益,混响和变换采样等函数,丰富了程序的功能,并且重构了代码,改进了算法,在性能上做了一定的优化。

  • Update on July 12th, 2022


  • Update on July 18th, 2022


  • Update on Sept. 14th, 2022


  • Update on Jan. 28th, 2023


  • Update on March 14th, 2023


LINKS 友情链接

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