Log out of the AWS console if you're already logged in.
Go to: http://bit.ly/383FEO4 and choose a random non claimed line with a hash. Write your name on the second column.
Enter the hash that was provided to you, and click on "Accept terms & login"
Click on "AWS console"
Click on "Open AWS console"
Make sure you're using the US East (N. Virginia) - us-east-1 region. Do not use another region.
Select "Amazon SageMaker" in the search box
Go to "Notebook / Notebook instances".
Click on "Create notebook instance".
"Notebook instance name": type a name for your instance, e.g "sagemaker-autopilot-workshop".
"Notebook instance type": select ml.t3.medium. No need for anything bigger.
"IAM role": select "Create a new role"
- Select "Any S3 bucket".
- Click on "Create role".
In the "Git repositories" section:
- Select "Clone a public Git repository" from the dropdown list.
- In the "Git repository" box, enter: https://github.com/eitansela/Amazon-SageMaker-AutoPilot-Workshop
- Click the "Add additional repository" link.
- Select "Clone a public Git repository" from the dropdown list.
- In the "Git repository" box, enter: https://github.com/gilinachum/ml-workflows-step-functions
Click on "Create notebook instance", and wait until the instance is "In Service"
Click on "Open Jupyter"
Click on the "sagemaker_autopilot_direct_marketing_lab.ipynb" notebook and get to work :)