dva static analysis based on javascript ast.
After cloning this repo.
$ npm install
$ npm run debug
- runner(sourcePath, options)
- transform({ source, path }, { jscodeshift })
All apis of models contains sourcePath
and filePath
create({ namespace, entry?, modelPath? })
remove({ namespace })
updateNamespace({ namespace, newNamespace })
updateState({ namespace, source })
addReducer({ namespace, name, [source] })
updateReducer({ namespace, name, source })
removeReducer({ namespace, name })
addEffect({ namespace, name, [source] })
updateEffect({ namespace, name, source })
removeEffect({ namespace, name })
addSubscription({ namespace, name, [source] })
updateSubscription({ namespace, name, source })
removeSubscription({ namespace, name })
All apis of routeComponents contains sourcePath
and filePath
create({ componentName })
addDispatch({ actionType })
loadAll({ sourcePath })
loadAll({ sourcePath, filePath })
createRoute({ path, component, [parentId] })
- component
- componentName
- filePath, if file is not exist, dva-ast will create a new component for you
- component
createIndexRoute({ component, [parentId] })
createRedirect({ from, to, [parentId] })
createIndexRedirect({ to, [parentId] })
remove({ id })
moveTo({ id, parentId })
addModel({ entry, modelPath })