
A rich Internet application and collection of web services which allows users to create, share and edit linguistic data.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


LingDesktop is a rich Internet application and collection of web services which allows users to create, share and edit linguistic data.


1. Install Jruby. http://jruby.org
2. Install required ruby gems:
  > jruby -S gem install bundler
  > jruby -S gem install neo4j

3. cd path_to/lingdesktop
  > jruby -S bundle

Seed neo4j store with GOLD and users

> jruby -S rake neo4j:seed

This rake task will import GOLD from a ntriples file located in:


Also inits the store with admin and demo users

Email:    admin@lingdesktop.com
Password: adminadmin

Email:    demo@lingdesktop.com
Password: demodemo

To run these rake tasks separately:

> jruby -S rake neo4j:delete
> jruby -S rake neo4j:users
> jruby -S rake neo4j:gold

Starting the server

> jruby -S rails server

..or to test on the production java environement

> jruby -S glassfish

Open your browser to

Production Server Setup

see: http://kenai.com/projects/jruby/pages/JRubyOnRailsWithGlassfishGem