
tiny wrapper for docker-compose (old fig.sh)

Primary LanguageShell


efig is a tiny wrapper for fig (homepage). Main efig's function is create environment for web developer with php and mysql with one click way for start your dockerized project.

efig can startup containers with fig.yml config, deploy data from file into database, backup data from database into file, remove and restart containers.


DNSMasq minimal configuration

# cat /etc/dnsmasq.conf | grep -E -v '^(#.*)?$'


Imagine you have a project in ~/web/project. Make or copy files into ~/web/project/.efig:

├── db
│   ├── start.db.sh
│   └── stop.db.sh
├── efig.conf
├── efig.sh
├── efig.yml
├── httpd-conf
│   └── httpd.conf
├── logs
├── scripts
│   ├── on.start.sh
│   └── on.stop.sh
├── xd_profile
└── xd_trace
File or folder Comment
db/ directory for database deploy and backup scripts and dump-files storage
efig.conf configuration file
efig.sh exacutable file
efig.yml fig configuration file for configurate containers
httpd-conf/httpd.conf apache2 config for project
logs/ directory for apache2 log-files
xd_profile/ xd_trace/ directories for XDebug profile and trace files
scripts/on.start.sh action after start containers
scripts/on.stop.sh action after stop containers

Config samples

# efig.yml
    image: sameersbn/mysql:latest
        - DB_USER=dbuser
        - DB_PASS=dbpass
        - DB_NAME=dbname
        - E_DB_DUMP=db.sql
        - E_DB_NAME=dbname
        - E_DB_TEST_DUMP=db.test.sql
        - E_DB_TEST_NAME=dbtest
        - ./db/:/db/
    image: dvapelnik/docker-lap:debian.jessie.php56
        - ../:/var/www/
        - ./httpd-conf/:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
        - db:db
Variable Comment
E_DB_DUMP db-dump filename in db/ directory for production database
E_DB_NAME name of production database
E_DB_TEST_DUMP db-dump filename in db/ directory for test database (if not need - you can comment this lines)
E_DB_TEST_NAME name of test database
# efig.conf
Config key Comment
PROJECT_NAME Name of project. Will use in project URL
FIG_CONF Fig configuration file name
SUBDOMAINS_ENABLED Available values: 0, 1. If it equal to 1 then will create domains for each container in format: http://CONTAINER_NAME.PROJECT_NAME.DNS_ZONE.
DNS_ZONE DNS zone for domain location. See in SUBDOMAINS_ENABLED
MAIN_CONTAINER_NAME Name of main (web) container. Must mutch with container name in FIG_CONF
DB_CONTAINER_NAME Name of database container. Must mutch with container name in FIG_CONF
ADDITIANAL_SUBDOMAINS Space separated string with list of additional web-sybdomains
DNSMASQ_CONFIG_PATH Path to DNSMasq config file

You can add two scripts scripts/on.start.sh and scripts/on.stop.sh for some actions after start and after stop containers. For example, manage iptables's rules using squid container as caching transparent proxy (look at squid example)

# httpd.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/
    DirectoryIndex index.php

    <Directory /var/www>
        AllowOverride All
        php_admin_value open_basedir /var/www:/tmp:/usr/share:/var/lib

    CustomLog   /var/www/.efig/logs/access.log combined
    ErrorLog    /var/www/.efig/logs/error.log

    php_admin_value xdebug.profiler_output_dir  /var/www/.efig/xd_profile
    php_admin_value xdebug.trace_output_dir     /var/www/.efig/xd_trace
    php_admin_value xdebug.var_display_max_depth    10

So, we can start own containers if we have this config files and file structure

# check is DNSMasq is running
sudo service dnsmasq status
# check is docker.io is running
sudo docker.io status
# going to efig project directory
cd ~/web/project/.efig
# start 
sudo ./efig.sh

Now we can browse http://project.doc/ and see your project

# manual deploy database
sudo ./efig deploy
# manual backup database
sudo ./efig backup
# stop and remove project containers
sudo /efig.sh rm

Docker images

efig completely tested with dvapelnik/docker-lap docker containers

  • dvapelnik/docker-lap:debian.squeeze.php53
  • dvapelnik/docker-lap:debian.wheezy.php54
  • dvapelnik/docker-lap:ubuntu.trusty.php55
  • dvapelnik/docker-lap:debian.jessie.php56
  • dvapelnik/docker-lap:debian.jessie.php70

They can be pulled from DockerHub or builded with Dockerfiles from dvapelnik/docker-lap