
Simple async Scala database access

Primary LanguageScala


Build Status

Version 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT

Simple asynchronous db access for Scala

It warps postgresql-async library

Getting started

First let declare the model

case class Employee(firstName: String, lastName: String, position: String) extends Model

Then we declare the library

import crowdb._
import crowdb.macros._

object Library extends Instance(DbConfig.connPool) {

  import DbMacros._

  val employees    = table[Employee]


And we can use it

import Library._

val employee = Employee("Martin", "Axe", "Dev")
//createdEmployee.isNew == true

// inserts a new row for `employee` table with values ["Martin", "Axe", "Dev"]
val createdEmployee = employees.create(employee)
//createdEmployee.isNew == false

There are several method calls that auto generate query statements

create(m: M): Future[M]
update(m: M): Future[M]
find(id: Long): Future[Option[M]]
delete(id: Long): Future[Unit]