
Primary LanguageC

Libft 📚

Our first project at 42, the idea here is to recreate some functions that already exist in C libraries to accompany us throughout our course.

List of Functions

Below the list of functions created following the presented subject

ft_isalpha ft_calloc
ft_isdigit ft_strdup
ft_isalnum ft_substr
ft_isascii ft_strjoin
ft_isprint ft_strtrim
ft_strlen ft_split
ft_memset ft_itoa
ft_bzero ft_strmapi
ft_memcpy ft_striteri

Bonus Part

If the mandatory part is done perfectly, the cadet has the option of earning bonus points by adding some aspects to the project. In libft the bonus challenge is to implement functions for handling a data structure known as "linked list", the implemented functions are.

ft_lstnew ft_lstlast
ft_lstadd_front ft_lstadd_back
ft_lstsize ft_lstdelone


In this project we have to deliver a file called "makefile" that contains the compilation rules.

The file must be compiled with 'cc' and the flags: -Wall, -Wextra and -Werror

The Makefile must not relink other than it needs to have the rules.

