
Learning AGE encryption framework

Primary LanguagePython


Unlimited secure data storage with changes streamed via Dat and Usenet

Let's collect some thoughts:

Use case: Point at a directory and get a link, who can decrypt with their private key, or the one packaged with the program As the directory changes, the target directory changes too.

Big problem: I've got all this stuff sitting on the drive. As 7zip creates encrypted xz files, I need to As XZ

This needs:


  • GUI to point at a directory (start with cmdline path)

    • Inputs: source='/home/user/files'
    • Action: Generate RNG string to encrypt archive with
    • Outputs: Compress function [compress_folder(data_path, output_archive, archive_pw)]
  • Compress & Encrypt with RNG string to give us symmetric key [compress_folder(data_path, output_archive, archive_pw)]

    • Inputs: Invoked from main
    • Actions: Invoke 7z to encrypt, compress as xz
    • Outputs: xz archive on file system
  • Par2 using @animetosho/parpar [generate_pars(output_archive)]

    • Inputs: output_archive
    • Actions: Par2 archive generation
    • Outputs: par2 archives on file system
  • Upload datafiles with nyuu [compress_folder()]

    • Inputs: List of
    • Actions:
    • Outputs:
  • Create [compress_folder()]

    • Inputs:
    • Actions:
    • Outputs:
  • Delta lake to write sets/keys sets to queue

  • Delta lake compressed with 7zip

  • Delta lake encrypted with age

  • Compress and encrypt and split into sets with 7zip

  • Write out NZBs

  • Post with nyuu

  • Update Delta lake on Dat repo

  • Report secret string for NZB creation


  1. Accept secret string
  2. Get NZBs from Dat archive
  3. Download with other tools

Future enhancements:

  • Manage file append events (for now, only deal with file add)
  • Stream existing content from disk into archive files -> par2 -> uploader (avoids need to hold temp space)
  • Run base file upload and par2 at the same time
  • split to 20GB archives on 200GB+ archive size (20GB is rough max limit of what we can post before par2 needs more than 1 article per chunk at 768KB article size)
    • Run a second par2 pass over the 200GB+ archive (doing another par2 step) as we have hit the limit of piece size