
machine setup

Primary LanguageVim Script

Generally, a user account with standard permissions and an admin account should be created. All normal operations should be performed with a standard account.

Make sure that the standard user cannot access admin space.

common_config: Common configs like shell configurations, portable across OS Links to ~/

dotfiles/.scripts: Common scripts which are portable across OS, frequent use Links to ~/.scripts

dotfiles/.*: Common dotfiles portable across all OS

linux/.scripts: Scripts particular to linux OS, frequent use Links to ~/.config/scripts

mac/.scripts: Scripts particular to macOS, frequent use Links to ~/.config/scripts

scripts: Utility scripts used infrequently

Extending configuration:

  • On machines which will modify .zshrc, .bashrc files: Write a file to be sourced from these environment


    filename : .zshrc_custom_env_vars

    Source it inside of .zshrc

        source .zshrc_custom_env_vars