Intelligent Configurable Light


Intelligent Configurable Light Documentation WIP

This Repository hosts a nodered flow, lovelace config and homeassistant yaml definitions to support an "Intelligent Configurable Light" Please import subflow too.

The Flow is HEAVILY inspired from https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/afk6cd/building_smarter_motion_lighting_nodered_finite/ I added some additional features.

It was born out of the frustration of Motion Sensor activated light Behaviour in some environments:

  • light turning off while user still there (toilet , shower anybody?)
  • no rolling window for sensor trigger
  • No way to override motion sensor temporarily
  • No way to inhibit sensor in special cases

So here a tentative solution

The flow is using

  • aquara motion sensors via zigbee2mqtt but it should be stratitforward to adapt (it shall be easy to modify for other sensors)
  • homeassistant
  • nodered homeassistant contrib, finite state machine plus others

How it works: Light-Sensor Combination has two automation modes: movement sensor automation, manual switch automation Movement Sensor Automation:

  • A light can be turned on by movement sensor.
  • After a parametric timeout light will turn off.
  • If another movement is detected during timeout the timer is reset (rolling window).
  • This mode can be turned off alltogether
  • this mode can be temporarely overriden (i.e. turned off based on some conditions, for example: tv is on so do not turn on/off lights)
  • Working time can be parametrized in 3 ways
    • Sun: activate when dark outside
    • Always : do I have to explain?
    • Time Range : configurable start stop time
  • Light Brightness configurable for a , separetely configurable, timerange

Manual Switch Automation:

  • if a user interacts with the light's switch either the physical one or the UI one motion sensor automation stops
  • light is driven by switch for a configurable duration of time
  • at expiration of this time the light is turned off or left on (configurable) and functioning returns to movement sensor mode
  • This mode can be turned off alltogether
  • this mode can be temporarely overriden (i.e. turned off based on some conditions)

Please be kind: this is the first major nodered flow I do. BUGS / Inefficiency ahead. Help making it better

I enclose a

  1. a very rough interface having all parameters on one stackin card. In my mind the final version would be much more slick hiding most of the parameters: again any suggestions are welcome
  2. yaml files defining the ui resources used

Finally: replace in the files "Cucina" (italian for kitchen :-) with your rooms light/sensor name. The Sensors name is "Divano" again replace with yours. Attached a couple of rough images of the UI and the flow

nodes used: node-red-contrib-state-machine node-red-contrib-mytimeout node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket node-red-contrib-zigbee2mqtt node-red-contrib-nighttime

Plus additional subflow (file subflow)

Custom lovelace card as per the lovelace file