- 5
- 3
Invalid Request for `Files.create_file`
#27 opened by bdtky - 4
Can't parse new OpenAI OpenAPI spec
#10 opened by nallwhy - 1
- 8
- 3
ExOpenAI.Audio.create_speech tries to parse response as JSON when it is the raw MP3 string
#19 opened by hawkyre - 3
`GET` endpoints aren't autogenerated
#15 opened by emcmanus - 7
Problem using `gpt-4-vision-preview` with `ExOpenAI.Completions.create_completion`
#13 opened by matthewsinclair - 8
Dializer error for what looks like valid call
#8 opened by johns10 - 3
Add only clause to mix_test_watch
#6 opened by johns10 - 4
%Protocol.UndefinedError{description: "Jason.Encoder protocol must always be explicitly implemented", protocol: Jason.Encoder, value: #PID<0.509.0>}
#4 opened by matheuscamarques - 2
- 5
HTTPoison 1.8 -> 2.1
#1 opened by BrooklinJazz