
List and navigate your documentation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

List The Docs

List The Docs allows you to collect in the same page the documentation of different projects hosted on different servers.

See the full project documentation here.

List The Docs does not (actually) provide documentation hosting, but it only serves a web page with a nice list of project and documentation links.

This work has been inspired from Host the Docs, but change in the aim of the project has lead to a complete rewrite of the source code.

The project is written in Python using Flask.

Start the server

Since List The Docs has been developed using Flask, it can be executed with the following commands:

export FLASK_APP=listthedocs
flask run
* Running on

For Windows commandline use:

set FLASK_APP=listthedocs

And for Windows Powershell use:



The service can be configured with a Python file config.py, that can be placed in the app's instance_path.

The instance_path can be customized by setting the INSTANCE_PATH to an absolute path.

The configuration is loaded from the config.py in the instance_path:

  • DATABASE_URI: Database connection URI. Defaults to an SQLite database.
  • COPYRIGHT: The copyright footer message. HTML is allowed.
  • TITLE: The title of the web pages.
  • HEADER: The header of the web page. HTML is allowed.
  • READONLY: Set to true to disable the write REST APIs.
  • LOGIN_DISABLED: Disable the login and security.
  • ROOT_API_KEY: The Api-Key for the root user. Default ROOT-API-KEY.


The service provides a set of REST APIs to manage projects and versions.

Build and Host documentation

Before using the APIs, you should build the documentation to be loaded (e.g. with Sphinx, MkDocs, Doxygen, ...) and host it on a web server. List The Docs does not provide documentation hosting service.

Collect documentations in List The Docs

After deploying a project's documentation on your favourite hosting service, you can visualize it in List The Docs through the following steps:

  1. Add the project (if not already present)
  2. Add the new version to the project
Add a project to List The Docs

Adding a project to List The Docs can be achieved through the following REST API:

import requests

response = requests.post(
        'title': 'Project Title',
        'description': 'The description of the project',

The response contains the name of the project

Add a documentation version link to List The Docs

Adding a version for a project documentation to List The Docs can be achieved through the following REST API:

import requests

        'name': '1.0.0',
        'url': 'http://www.example.com/doc/1.0.0/index.html',

Python Client

To simplify the management of the projects, List The Docs provides a simple Python client:

from listthedocs.client import ListTheDocs, Project, Version

client = ListTheDocs()
project = client.add_project(
    Project(title='Project Title', description='description')
    Version('1.0.0', 'http://www.example.com/doc/1.0.0/index.html')