
Cloud Run using HTTP Requests to Explore a CSV structured dataset with Pandas Profiling

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Cloud Run: Dataset Summaries via HTTP Request

Cloud Run.

This repository provides code for utilizing Cloud Run to run a stateless container that uses Pandas profiling to display the summary statistics from a structured CSV dataset. The CSV file is passed to the container via a HTTP request from the parameter data.

Get Started

In the steps below, replace the name ekabasandbox with your GCP Project ID.

  1. Open Google Cloud Shell.
  2. Clone this repository by running git clone https://github.com/dvdbisong/google-cloud-run.git.
  3. Navigate to the code folder folder: cd pandas-profile.
  4. Build the container using Cloud Build: gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/ekabasandbox/pandas_profile
  5. Deploy to Cloud Run: gcloud beta run deploy --image gcr.io/ekabasandbox/pandas_profile --platform managed --memory 1Gi
  6. Pass a hosted CSV file to the application deployed on Cloud Run via the link. For example: https://helloworld-4fa5lgaxpq-uc.a.run.app/profile?data=https://storage.googleapis.com/ekaba-test-data/transformed-crypto-bitcoin-00-of-02.csv

App running on Cloud Run.

Blog post for this project: https://ekababisong.org/google-cloud-run/