
A 3D scene that loads an animated fox model and allows users to change its animations on the fly. Created with Three.js and React Three Fiber.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Model Animations

A low-poly model of a fox walks in place on a green floor

This project explores loading an external model into a 3D scene and allowing users to dynamically apply its inherent animations. It was created with Three.js and React Three Fiber.

It features a model of a fox. In the upper-right corner is a GUI that allows users to choose between three animations: survey, run, and walk.

The project also displays a performance monitor for profiling different performance indicators, such as FPS, memory usage, and GPU load.

The work was undertaken as one of many steps in acquiring my Three.js certification through Three.js Journey.

Live demo

A running demo of the project can be viewed at https://dvdjrnx.github.io/model-animations

Local development


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install the required dependencies by running npm install.


To start the project, run the following command:

npm run dev