
Extension to Python's Future (Promise) API that allows chaining using .then() (like JavaScript Promises)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Extending Python's concurrent.futures.Future (Promise) object with missing chaining API like .then().

While Futures (aka Promises) are formally specified and available as part of Python as of v 3.2+, and is available as backported module for Python versions v.2.x, standard implementation is lacking any formal or convenient API for the most frequent use of Promises - chaining.

JavaScript Promises/A+ API have then-ability as part of the spec. This project takes standard concurrent.futures.Future Python class and extends it with borrowed .then() behavior from JavaScript Promises.


pip install futures_then


In [1]: from futures_then import ThenableFuture as Future

In [2]: f1 = Future()

In [3]: f2 = f1.then(lambda v: v + ' transformed')

In [4]: f1.set_result('future')

In [5]: f2.result()
Out[5]: 'future transformed'