- 2
Bug in choosing best box (easy packing)
#621 opened by DavideWasTaken - 1
Depth not summarised
#622 opened by JapSeyz - 6
Feature request: add max execution time
#620 opened by Gemorroj - 1
- 5
Diagonal rotations
#610 opened by colinmollenhour - 7
Not optimal packing in a box
#608 opened by patryk-kolorama - 1
More emphasis on box emptyWeight
#607 opened by mathielen - 2
- 8
Inefficient packing
#272 opened by dvdoug - 1
Item interface and description property
#601 opened by viacheslav-hoo-lt - 2
$packedBoxes only contains one box
#597 opened by eschiendorfer - 1
Uncaught Error - Classes not found?
#599 opened by kanlukasz - 5
Optimizer error
#590 opened by DavideWasTaken - 4
Problem stacking boxes using BestFit
#583 opened by howdu - 0
Separate Visualiser and BoxPacker
#593 opened by Gemorroj - 1
does it has a web service interface ?
#592 opened by jeffery9 - 1
- 17
- 0
Uncaught Error: Class "DVDoug\BoxPacker\Test\TestBox" not found (composer/3.12.0)
#586 opened by b2b-fesports - 5
Box dimension order affects volume utilization
#275 opened by patrick-melo - 3
- 0
Assign Correct Box
#348 opened by earbor-ai - 3
Unexpected box packing result
#465 opened by jacksleight - 2
Spaces between items
#492 opened by HitoTech - 1
Optimize box suggestion by box cost?
#458 opened by dvadri - 4
Its not compatible with php 8.1 version
#473 opened by Anantkprajapati - 3
Partitioned Boxes
#446 opened by Patch85 - 5
- 1
wrong box suggestion
#415 opened by sinamaleki - 3
Box packing issue
#271 opened by hmza27 - 3
- 1
Update jsonSerialize()
#356 opened by AsaXiao - 0
Missing value in result response
#366 opened by ngocpxkaopiz - 2
Items are overlapped in some cases which provides incorrect results sometimes
#334 opened by AdityaRawat96 - 1
- 1
Implicit conversion from float to int
#326 opened by JeroenSteen - 3
How to get dimensions of multiple items?
#297 opened by staixe - 8
#278 opened by ServiceSector - 2
Version 3.9 - Rotation option does not work
#276 opened by canetti2 - 1
BoxPacker is not supportive for float values!
#273 opened by mumairdeveloper - 6
Algorithm seems inefficient for tight packing
#264 opened by MarcoWel - 4
Volume packing set allowed air in box
#270 opened by YoussefAlmardini - 2
Manually define the order to test boxes
#269 opened by Noodleyman - 0
Item Rotation constraints cause differents results
#268 opened by Elyos59 - 2
- 1
psr/log dependency
#263 opened by vesatoivonen - 4
- 1
particular constraints
#260 opened by Elyos59 - 5
- 2
Possible min/max bug
#250 opened by andrewmostello