
FieldBook Client for .NET

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

FieldBook Client for .NET

First, add the fieldbook-sharp NuGet to your app.

Step 1: Create a Book and a Sheet

Visit fieldbook.com to create a free account and make your first book. Make a ToDos sheet that looks like this:

Step 2: Create a class to represent ToDos

class ToDo : FieldBook.IRow
    // Required for IRow
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Notes { get; set; }
    public int Priority { get; set; }
    public bool Finished { get; set; }

Step 3: Create your book and sheet objects

Click Manage API access inside of FieldBook to get your book ID and create an API key. Then make a Book, and use the book to get a strongly typed reference to the sheet:

var book = new Book("book id", "api key name", "api key");
var sheet = book.GetSheet<ToDo>();

Step 4: Use the sheet to query, create, update, and delete ToDos

// List all todos
List<ToDo> allTodos = await sheet.List();

// Or just list some
var someTodos = await sheet.List(offset: 5, limit: 25);

// Get todo by Id
ToDo todo = await sheet.Get(0);

// Or get a todo the hipster way via indexer
var hipsterTodo = await sheet[42];

// Change a todo
todo.Priority = 10;
await sheet.Update(todo);

// Or update just some fields for more efficiency
await sheet.Update(todo, new { Priority = todo.Priority });

// Delete a todo
await sheet.Delete(todo);

// Create a todo
var created = await sheet.Create(new ToDo
    Priority = 1,
    Name = "Build an app",
    Description = "Awesomely with Xamarin",