
An automatically A/B-tested login dialog created with autotune

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a static webpage generated with gatsby which uses an experimental library called autotune to automatically A/B test some options for the primary action on a fictional login dialog:

autotune must complete asynchronous initialization before displaying the login dialog, so I've added this to gatsby-browser.js:

import * as autotune from 'autotune'

exports.onClientEntry = async () => {
  await autotune.initialize('2e7c3598-62c0-4e90-9d5f-48921bd4ee82')

Then I render the login button as a component using autotune.oneOf to create some variable colors and labels to be A/B tested:

import { oneOf } from 'autotune'

const LoginButton = () => (
      backgroundColor: oneOf('Login Primary Action – Background Color', [
    {oneOf('Login Primary Action', ['Sign In', 'Log In', 'Create Account'])}

All of this works locally with gatsby develop, but when I try to gatsby build the site for deployment, a few things go wrong:

  1. The async/await call in gatsby-browser.js seems to cause problems. Is there another place I should call this?
  2. gatsby calls oneOf in the node environment (server-side) before initialize is called, causing errors. I want oneOf calls to happen on the client so LoginButton is determined at runtime. Can I change this?