A Core Java Logger Adapter
I compiled this with the Open JDK8. Previous versions at maven central are build ith JDK10. I went away from the JDK10, because most projects I know, are using JDK8 in production right know. But, if you want to use this with JDK9/10/11/... you can use it.. it is working perfect! Only if you start using the JMS, it could be helpful to add a module-info.java Add the following lines, switch inside the pom.xml to the JDK version you prefer, start a mvn clean install and be happy ;-)
module rapidpm.dependencies.core.logger {
requires log4j;
requires transitive java.logging;
requires slf4j.api;
requires org.apache.logging.log4j;
exports org.rapidpm.dependencies.core.logger;
This Lib is working with
- Java 08 (open/oracle/ibm/zulu/graalvm)
- Java 09 (open/oracle/ibm/zulu)
- Java 10 (open/oracle/zulu)
- Java 11 (open/oracle/zulu)
- Java 12 (open/oracle/zulu)
Every time you have to define/decide what will be your logger.. But you are writing a lib? What ever you will choose, it will be wrong.
Other projects will make other decisions.. So let them decide what is right for them.
This means for you: Write an Adapter, that will decide at runtime what is the right logger-implementation.
To use this you can go two ways. First of all, add the dependency.
Second, choose the way you want to define a Logger.
Define a class attribute.
LoggerService logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass());
You can implement an interface, that will give you a method to get the logger. The interface provides a default - implementation, so there is nothing to do for you..
MyClass implements HasLogger {}