Learn the basics of building a PyTorch model using a structured, incremental and from first principles approach. Find out why PyTorch is the fastest growing Deep Learning framework and how to make use of its capabilities: autograd, dynamic computation graph, model classes, data loaders and more.
The main goal of this training is to show you how PyTorch works: we will start with a simple and familiar example in Numpy and "torch" it! At the end of it, you should be able to understand PyTorch's key components and how to assemble them together into a working model.
This training covers the majority of the content in the first volume of my series of books, "Deep Learning with PyTorch Step-by-Step". You can find it on Amazon (paperback and Kindle) or Gumroad (PDF).
- Understand the basic building blocks of PyTorch: tensors, autograd, models, optimizers, losses, datasets, and data loaders
- Identify the basic steps of gradient descent, and how to use PyTorch to make each one of them more automatic
- Understand the relationship between the gradient descent algorithm, the loss, the learning rate, and feature scaling
- Build, train, and evaluate a model using mini-batch gradient descent
- Introduction
- Motivation
- Agenda
Module 1: PyTorch: tensors, tensors, tensors
- Introducing a simple and familiar example: linear regression
- Generating synthetic data
- Tensors: what they are and how to create them
- CUDA: GPU vs CPU tensors
- Parameters: tensors meet gradients
- Quiz #1
- Exercise #1
Module 2: Gradient Descent in Five Easy Steps
- Step 0: initializing parameters
- Step 1: making predictions in the forward pass
- Step 2: computing the loss, or “how bad is my model?”
- Loss surface
- Step 3: computing gradients, or “how to minimize the loss?”
- Step 4: updating parameters
- Exercise #2.1
- Learning rate, the most important hyper-parameter
- Exercise #2.2
- Gradient Descent and the importance of feature scaling
- Step 5: Rinse and repeat
- Quiz #2
- Exercise #2.3
Module 3: Autograd, your companion for all your gradient needs!
- Computing gradients automatically with the backward method
- Dynamic Computation Graph: what is that?
- Optimizers: updating parameters, the PyTorch way
- Loss functions in PyTorch
- Quiz #3
- Exercise #3
Module 4: Building a Model in PyTorch
- Your first custom model in PyTorch
- Peeking inside a model with state dictionaries
- The importance of setting a model to training mode
- Nested models, layers, and sequential models
- Organizing our code: the training step
- Quiz #4
- Exercise #4
Module 5: Datasets and data loaders
- Your first custom dataset in PyTorch
- Data loaders and mini-batches
- Evaluation phase: setting up the stage
- Taking a break: saving and loading models
- Quiz #5
- Exercise #5
- The StepByStep class
Bonus Module: Are my data points separable? (if time allows)
If you'd like to use a local environment, please follow these steps (assuming you use Anaconda):
Install GraphViz: https://www.graphviz.org/
Create a conda environment:
conda create -n pytorch101 pip conda python==3.8.5
Activate the conda environment:
conda activate pytorch101
Install PyTorch: https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/
Install other packages:
conda install scikit-learn==0.23.2 matplotlib==3.3.2 jupyter==1.0.0 ipywidgets==7.5.1 plotly==4.14.3 -c anaconda
Install torchviz:
pip install torchviz
Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/dvgodoy/PyTorch101_AI_Plus.git
Start Jupyter:
jupyter notebook