
NetLogo implementation of model proposed in "The Role of Institutions in the Emergence of Cooperation"

Primary LanguageNetLogoMIT LicenseMIT

1. Install R

After installing R, run the following command on the terminal:

$sudo R CMD javareconf

1.1 Install R packages



1.2 In R, run these two commands:

R.home(component = "home")

[1] "/usr/lib/R"

system.file("jri", package = "rJava")

[1] "/home/ubuntu/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/rJava/jri"

1.3 Use the returned folders to set these two environment variables

export R_HOME=/usr/lib/R

export JRI_HOME=/home/dvgodoy/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.5/rJava/jri

2. Download and Unzip NetLogo 5.0.5


tar -xvzf netlogo-5.0.5.tar.gz

2.1 Download and Unzip R-Extension for NetLogo (v1.4)


Unzip into your NetLogo folder, subfolder extensions

2.2 Test your installation

Run NetLogo with netlogo.sh.

In the code tab, type:

extensions [r]

And click the "check" button. It shouldn't raise any errors.

3. Clone this repository

3.1 Load RoleOfInstitutions.nlogo model in NetLogo

Open r_functions.nls.

On r-load procedure, edit source('functions.R') to source('/path/to/folder/functions.R')

3.2 Click on SETUP button, it should initialize the simulation. Click GO and watch it run!
