
This repository contains a non-exponential transmittance operator that can be used with PyTorch

Primary LanguageCudaMIT LicenseMIT

Non-exponential Transmittance PyTorch Operator

This repository contains a simple PyTorch CUDA operator that implements the transmittance model proposed in our paper:

Delio Vicini, Wenzel Jakob, Anton Kaplanyan, A Non-Exponential Transmittance Model for Volumetric Scene Representations, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 40(4), August 2021.


To install the operator, please navigate to the op folder and run

python setup.py install

The operator is then available in a Python package nonexp.


See example.py for an example on how to invoke the operator and the paper for the mathematical definition & motivation.


When using this code for research, please cite it using the following bibtex reference:

    author    = {Vicini, Delio and Jakob, Wenzel and Kaplanyan, Anton},
    title     = {A Non-Exponential Transmittance Model for Volumetric Scene Representations},
    journal   = {Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH),
    volume    = {40},
    number    = {4},
    year      = {2021},
    month     = aug,
    pages     = {136:1--136:16},
    doi       = {10.1145/3450626.3459815},