This guide will walk you through a bare metal install and configuration of the server to support the web app
Before installation be sure to update the server to the latest versions using the commands below
administrator@server:~$ sudo apt-get update
administrator@server:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade
Next you need to install the required software to run the webserver. This webapp runs on:
- PHP - Scripting Language
- php-cli
- php-fpm
- php-mysql
- php-curl
- php-mcrypt
- php-mbstring
- php-gettext
- php-gd
- php-zip
- Nginx - Web Server
- MySQL - Database Server
- Composer - Dependency Manager
- Git - Distributed Version Control System
To install the required software run the command below
administrator@server:~$ sudo apt-get install nginx git composer mysql-server php php-cli php-curl php-curl php-mcrypt php-mbstring php-gettext php-gd php-zip php-mysql php-fpm
administrator@server:~$ mysql_secure_installation
Next cd to the /var/www/
folder and download the sites source code using Git and set ownership and permissions accordingly ** Substitude The Username Field According To Your Username **
administrator@server:~$ cd /var/www/
administrator@server:/var/www$ git clone
administrator@server:/var/www$ sudo chown -R -v Username:www-data shark-tank
Now cd into the shark-tank
directory and run the dependency manager to load the required libraries
administrator@server:/var/www$ cd shark-tank
administrator@server:/var/www/shark-tank$ composer update
administrator@server:/var/www/shark-tank$ chmod 775 -R -v storage
Log into the MySQL server and create a new user responsible for your database
administrator@server:/var/www/shark-tank$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> create user 'php'@'localhost' identified by 'Insert Password You Want To Use Here';
mysql> exit
Now log into your new account and create the required Database
administrator@server:/var/www/shark-tank$ mysql -u php -p
mysql> create database shark_tank;
mysql> exit
Next we will configure Nginx to use an SSL Certificate From Lets-Encrypt. You can find a copy of the configuration file with instructions here
You are now ready to begin configuring the site
Navigate to the shark-tank folder to begin create the required configuration files for the site to run
administrator@server:~$ cd /var/www/shark-tank/
Copy the example environment configuration file downloaded from the git clone
and rename it to .env
and open your favorite editor (I will use nano in this example)
administrator@server:/var/www/shark-tank$ mv .env.example .env
administrator@server:/var/www/shark-tank$ nano .env
Edit the configuration file with the required Settings
APP_ENV=production -- Change to production
APP_DEBUG=false -- Suppress warning
APP_LOG_LEVEL=error -- Change to error
DB_DATABASE=shark_tank -- The name of the database we created
DB_USERNAME=php -- The User We Created
-- Email settings --
After creating the configuration file be sure to run the required migrations and seed the database to create the default administrator account
administrator@server:/var/www/shark-tank$ php artisan migrate --seed
Next you need to configure Nginx to point to your fresh install of Shark-Tank. Digital Ocean has a great paper on how to install Mysql, Nginx, and php to get them talking if you have been following my guide I recommend you goto the nginx guide here and skip to step four of the guide.
Make sure to set your document root the file path you downloaded Shark Tank. In our case it was /var/www/shark-tank/public
I also highly recommend to setup Nginx to redirect all incoming traffic to SSL. You can find that guide here
Congratulations! You have successfully deployed Shark Tank from a bare metal install.
I recommend using Vagrant and Homestead in order to run a virtual machine on your computer to test your changes. Follow their guide to get a good testing environment running.
Any contributions are welcome! Just fork the repo and submit a PR when you're ready! If you have any questions pop into our slack team and join our wonderful community! Thank you for your support and contributions!