
LeadBee - Rails simple lead management platform

Primary LanguageRuby

LeadBee - Lead management platform

LeadBee is a simples and easy-to-use lead management open-source plataform that can be used to give us an user friendly interface to manage leads, segmentation list and marketing campaign.

Project Screenshot

Demo project


Running project on development env

  • Install ruby 2.4+ (we recommend use rbenv or rvm)
  • Clone this git repo
  • Install postgresql
  • Run bundle to install all dependencies
  • Migrate database using rake db:create && rake db:migrate
  • Start server using rails server


  • Make better tests using capybara and rspec
  • Improve UX
  • Make a auth to admin data
  • Separate frontend to backend (using backend as api)

Running tests

You can run tests using rails spec.


Daniel Vinciguerra daniel.vinciguerra@bivee.com.br